All coaches, managers and trainers are required to obtain a criminal record check as mandated by BCPFA. Stop in at the clubhouse for the required forms or download Criminal Record Check Form here.
Criminal checks are asked to be submitted to the NSMF office by July 16.

Peewee 1st Place – 2015 Cheer Competition
Level 1 & 2 Cheer Coaches Clinic will take place inside and outside of the clubhouse.
Chilliwack Giants are pleased to announce its time to prepare for our annual Chilli Bowl Tournament. Last year we had 6 different associations attend our annual Chilli Bowl, but we would like to see it grow.
The dates of the event are:
Friday August 12th, 2016 – Atom & Peewee
Saturday August 13th, 2016 – Flag & Atom & Peewee
Sunday August 14th, 2016 – Jr. Bantam & Bantam & Midget