Concussion Resources
Concussion Pocket Card |
Concussions Primer for Kids & Parents |
Helmet Fitting Instructions |
Making Headway
Designed to help you gain the knowledge and skills required to ensure the safety of your athletes, these NCCP Professional Development modules will make you concussion smart!
To begin, you will require a NCCP#. If you have never taken an NCCP course and need a NCCP#, please register with The Locker.
You should expect to spend 60-90 minutes completing a module. Each completed module will be recorded on your coaching transcript as professional development.
Go To Making Headway Website →
Login to your Locker and click on eLearning.
Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit for Parents, Players, and Coaches provides up-to-date concussion education for parents and coaches. It includes video lessons and resources to effectively prevent, recognize and manage a players recovery.
‘Heads Up Football’ IOS & Android App
USA Football has released a free Heads Up app loaded with concussion information resources.
The app is free for IOS and Android. Click here →.
ThinkFirst Concussion Education For Coaches/Trainers
As with the MED, Criminal Check and CCOC, all coaches and trainers at NSMF must now take an Online Concussion Course.
Football BC is pleased to partner with ThinkFirst to provide a free online concussion education course for all our member coaches. Completion of this required online course will fulfill the Football BC Concussion Policy requirement for coaches to participate in a yearly education program.
Online Concussion Course Outline | Online Concussion Course |
Football BC Concussion Policy Resources and Clarification
Effective June 1, 2010, all Football BC member associations, clubs and teams must abide by the guidelines set out in its new concussion policy.
As there have been questions raised about what is needed to be compliant with the new policy, the following is the simplified version of what is required from each association and/or club:
1. Have coaches involved in a yearly education program.
The “education program” is not a formal course or a classroom session. Rather, we require that coaches review all the information sent from Football BC and ensure that the information is circulated to all coaches/staff within the organization as well as to all the athletes/parents. If possible, encourage the information to be posted on each club’s or association’s website as well. The resources can be found in the links below.
Football BC has received permission from the Oregon Center for Applied Science, who has created a 20-minute online concussion seminar for coaches. All BC coaches may access this online tool for free. To do so, visit Orcas Concussion Playbook and register.
Football BC will have viewable concussion seminar video online by the end of the month to facilitate coaches who would have difficulty attending in-person one of the concussion seminars to be offered later this summer.
Football BC will be running concussion seminars during the summer time which will further give coaches the opportunity to receive education in concussion management. These information sessions will be conducted by medical doctors.
Football BC will also be providing concussion cards free of charge to associations and schools which will be distributed to all coaches, team personnel, parents and athletes.
2. Have informed consent forms signed annually by parents and youth athletes acknowledging the risk of head injury prior to practice or competition.
This form is the “Football BC Concussion Parent-Athlete Consent Form” which can be downloaded in the link below.
3. Remove any athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury from play – “when in doubt, sit them out”.
This refers to all practices and/or games.
4. Ensure that all athletes who have been removed from play as a result of a suspected head injury or concussion have written clearance from a licensed medical doctor prior to returning from play.
This clearance must be provided to Football BC upon request.
Use the following links to download the resources that your association requires to comply with the new policy:
BCCFA Concussion Policy
The Football BC concussion policy is designed to ensure that all participants in amateur football understand the risk and potentially devastating effects of head injuries. Its purpose, through education for all parties involved, is to provide the safest possible setting for youth athletes.
Heads Up football video produced by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association
Reposted from Football BC