Each team must send 3 parents.
Learn how to be on the Stick Crew on the sidelines of the games. These are the best seats in the house and you are always closer to the action than anyone not in a uniform.
NS Lions • NS Hawks • NS Eagles • NS Falcons
What are Border Bowls?
All Star BC Teams VS. All Star Alberta Teams. A game to showcase the best players for their positions to be viewed by North American Colleges and Universities.
Those who come out to Border Bowl combines are tested for their times and inputted into a database. These lists are then purchased by North American Colleges allowing them to find out more about the players and their locations.
Each team must send 1 parent.
In this session, learn the duties of the game day Game Commissioner. A very important part of the team.
What are Border Bowls?
All Star BC Teams VS. All Star Alberta Teams. A game to showcase the best players for their positions to be viewed by North American Colleges and Universities.
Those who come out to Border Bowl combines are tested for their times and inputted into a database. These lists are then purchased by North American Colleges allowing them to find out more about the players and their locations.
What are Border Bowls?
All Star BC Teams VS. All Star Alberta Teams. A game to showcase the best players for their positions to be viewed by North American Colleges and Universities.
Those who come out to Border Bowl combines are tested for their times and inputted into a database. These lists are then purchased by North American Colleges allowing them to find out more about the players and their locations.
Each team must send 1 parent.
In this session, learn the duties of the game day Game Commissioner. A very important part of the team.
Contact Shar Jaggard for details.
Please Volunteer. We are looking for volunteers to help line the main field at Bear Creek Park.
Please Volunteer. We are looking for lots of help to setup tents, fences, concession and anything else that needs doing in preparation of our tournament.